
Showing posts from August, 2017
Failure is simply the opportunity  to begin again, This time more intelligently.                                                                 -Henry ford Every human being get success only when they get failure in their life, no one can get success without failure. It is also an stage / step towards success . There are many types of failure that comes in our life. Failure comes from the day we came on the earth and it last till our last breadth. Death is also an failure of our life. We leave the work in between when we are fail to get success on it. But there is also an opportunity we get from that failure. we just have to find out that opportunity on right time and use it on right target. People get failure in love, career, business, work.  But in all the cases there is an opportunity to get up and start new life. There are many people who say lie to themselves only. You know this is the biggest failure in their life. Because if they lie to themselves the

all about life

                                                                          “ Life is too  short to                                                                      Worry about stupid things.                                                                       Have fun. Regret nothing,                                                                     And don’t let people bring                                                                                   You down”       Today I just want  to tell you a inspiring thought . It is a Bittle  truth of a human life and it is not about the one person it is about all human being in the world. It is really inspiring and beautiful message. You know as soon as you die, your identity becomes “body”. People use phrases like: “Bring the body”, “Lower the Body in the Grave”, “Take the body to the GraveYard”, etc. Not even your family  for whom you work hard in all your life and sacrifice your needs for them. People don
“Don’t  compare yourself with others…. No one can play your role better than you….!!!!!” In my last blog I have talk about ego and self respect    now continue on that…. Difference between ego and self respect is that     like we are talking to someone regularly  and  for a small while . You  are not in contact what the reason may be!!!  But if one person start talking first it will not destroy the self respect… all the way it will increase the respect of you in the eyes of that person that the person is not having the ego… I don’t know why people don’t want to understand , if you don’t want  to loose someone special you should decrease your ego it is as simple as that.  There is also an negative side. Negative side is that like you are trying too much to save the relation(any type of) but other person is not giving you the  priority then you should also take the step back and now you can show your  self respect to that person. Because priorities are change as time c