New era love

New era love..

You know how love run in small town and big cities.
 Don't lets check it out.

Difference between small town romance and big city romance. Actually i am influence in this.Relationship are last longer in small town romance over big city and  it is becomes fashion you know that i have 3 ex gf or 3 ex bf.
It is become a fashion statement. It is Not that i say it is right or wrong but i want to say it.
Expectation are very high in cities but not in small towns.
In cities it is an fashion to change your partner in 5-6 months or more. If you are doing this then people are going to tont you, if they don't then partners are bored from each other because  they also want varieties like how we order different different varieties of food in restaurants just like that people want varieties.

Now a days pure love is very hard to digest. Ohh sorry first of all it is very hard to get.
The mind set of couples are change they are saving that i just got 1 life and i just want best out of it.

And in small towns they know how to love a one person all your life and they are pretty much enjoying it. You know how??
Beacuse they have less expenses less demand less varieties of partner.
You all have listen from your parents that if you want anything pure to eat then you should go to small towns or your villages to get it.
This is same like "love" if you found pure love you have to see how small towns couples are living in less and get it more from it.

I dont know how much it is correct..
I want you to give your suggestions on it
Just comment down your answer on it.
Keep reading.
Have a great day.


  1. Yaa its right...but not totally..bcoz their in cities there is sme peoples who want true relationship nd sme got also..soo yaa i'm agree but not totally😊😊😊

  2. Yaa its right...but not totally..bcoz their in cities there is sme peoples who want true relationship nd sme got also..soo yaa i'm agree but not totally😊😊😊


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